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The Dutch Journey 

We understand it might be a bit difficult to decide which course suits you best. The overview and level description below will help you to better understand the difference between the Dutch courses and levels we offer. Of course you can send us a message if you are not sure which course would be best for you. Please leave your personal details through the contact form on our home page. You will then receive a level assignments which helps us to better assess your current level. 

First Steps 




Full Speed 


Finish Line


Final Touch 


First Steps 1 

First Steps 2 

For complete beginners 


In this course you will learn to speak and write about personal, basic topics. 


In practice:
Upon completing this course you can: 
•    introduce yourself 
•    greet people
•    fill out a form 
•    tell what you do in a day
•    understand a rooster/scheme
•    congratulate people 
•    give your opinion (basic)
•    buy something in a store
•    describe your house
•    make an appointment

At the end of the course (receptive) knowledge of +- 500 words 


  • Verbs: Present sentence structure

  • Basic main sentence

  • Personal pronoun as subject 

  • Possessive pronoun

  • Adjectives

  • Negation

  • Plural/singular nouns 

  • Interrogative sentences: yes/no questions and open questions

In this course you will learn the past perfect, comparing things and basic interaction with third parties


In practice
In speech and writing you will be able to:

  • ask, understand and to give directions

  • talk about clothes (of someone else)

  • describe an appearance

  • exchange clothes in a store

  • give a compliment

  • propose a plan

  • order in a restaurant

  • invite someone and respond to an invitation

  • tell about things you have done (perfectum)

  • comparing things (adjectives)



At the end of the course (receptive) knowledge of +- 1000 words


Verbs: modal verbs

Sentence structure: inversion & perfect (past tense)

Adjectives: comparative & superlative

Spelling: short and long sounds (man, maan) 

Pronomen personale (of persons and objects), demonstrative pronouns

First Steps 




Full Speed 


Finish Line


Final Touch 


Walking Around 1

In this course you will learn to do practical things in Dutch, talk about personal matters and provide basic support for your opinion.


In practice
In speech and writing you can:

  • speak at the desk

  • understand and write advertisements

  • have a conversation in a store (and indicate preferences)

  • send a package request information from an association

  • open a bank account

  • ask for information and have a conversation at the municipality

  • understand information about medications

  • make a doctor's appointment

  • describe complaints to the doctor

  • talking about (un)healthy eating and habits

  • have a short conversation with a stranger speaking about personal topics

  • describe your family

  • talk about a relationship


At the end of the course (receptive) knowledge of +- 1500 words



Werkwoorden: verleden tijd (imperfectum), wel/niet te + infinitief
Zinsstructuur: verbinden van hoofdzinnen, bijzin

Walking Around 2

In this course you will learn to describe your own past and speak about non-personal matters such as the news.

In practice
In speech and writing you can:

  • understand the Dutch education system

  • requesting/understanding information about training courses

  • talk about your own educational history

  • discussed a report of your kind

  • tell us how your course is going and about course plans

  • talk about cultural activities

  • indicate preference/dislike

  • describe architecture

  • provide/understand information about work

  • talk about your work routine

  • indicate the order of activities

  • conduct a (basic) job interview

  • understand the basic message of the news (reports, newsreels) and speak about it

  • talking about the weather and traffic

At the end of the course (receptive) knowledge of +- 2000 words

Werkwoorden: reflexieve werkwoorden, scheidbare werkwoorden, imperatief
Zinsstructuur: relatieve bijzin (die/dat)
Adjectieven: superlatief en vergelijkingen
Spelling: samenstelling, morfologie
Reflexief pronomen

First Steps 




Full Speed 


Finish Line


Final Touch 


Full Speed 1 & 2

*You can take an individual course (Full Speed 1 or 2 seperately) or a double course (Full Speed 3 & 4 together) 


In this course you will learn to give your opinion on a wide selection of topics (see below) and to substantiate this (systematically) with arguments.

In practice

  • Have a conversation or discussion about pets, environmental and nature organizations, landscape, nuisance, the languages ​​you speak, eating habits, stimulants /tolerance policy, healthy food, breakdowns, public transport, money and cutbacks, gifts, trends, contact with your family, education, rituals

  • Tell and/or write about your neighborhood, character of a person, your family, your feelings, how you make a dish, travel experiences, your purchasing behavior

  • Understanding information about insurance, aging

  • Providing instructions (for example, a recipe)

  • Describe statistics

  • Write a simple argumentative text

  • Report damage to your insurance company

  • Complaints about nuisance


At the end of the course (receptive) knowledge of +- 3500 words


Werkwoorden: verleden tijd (verschil

wel/niet te + infinitief
scheidbare werkwoorden, irrealis (zouden), zullen (beloven)

Zinsstructuur: zinsconstructie met hoofdzinnen/bijzinnen, vraagzin als bijzin, als/wanneer/toen

Er-plaats, er-prepositie, er-onbepaald subject

Comparatief en superlatief

Full Speed 3 & 4 

*You can take an individual course (Full Speed 3 or 4 seperately) or a double course (Full Speed 3 & 4 together) 


In this course you will learn to have conversations or discussions, to tell or write and to understand information on a wide selection of topics. You can substantiate your opinion and make few mistakes in your sentence constructions. After this course you can follow a Dutch MBO course

In practice

  • Understanding news (broadly speaking).

  • To apply for a job

  • Conducting a job interview

  • Participate in a meeting

  • Have a conversation or discussion or give an opinion about; holiday destinations, the organization of your day, a healthy lifestyle, providing medical advice, experiences with stress or pain, sports, youth and top sports, work, careers, cultural differences, current topics, integration

  • Tell and/or write about; activities in your spare time, learning a language, a funny story

  • Understanding information about/from; a sport or hobby, newspaper articles, the news, careers, cabaret, religion in the Netherlands

At the end of the course (receptive) knowledge of +- 5000 words

Werkwoorden: het passief, zitten te/zijn+ aan het, zouden, moeten/niet hoeven te,  zetten/staan, liggen/leggen, stoppen (in) 
Zinsstructuur: relatieve bijzin met en zonder prepositie, plaats prepositie
Vragen met waar+prepositie
Gebruik van het, dat, die 

First Steps 




Full Speed 


Finish Line


Final Touch 


Finish Line 1 

*This course covers the first five chapters of Code Plus - Part 4.

In this course you will learn to express yourself in a nuanced way about specific, non-personal themes (see list below). This course will greatly increase your vocabulary and understanding of the Dutch language. After completing this course, you can participate in (social) debates and discuss current affairs. This course pays more attention to completing writing assignments and perfecting sentence structure.

In practice:
- Different forms of communication
- Social media
- Animal protection
- The climate in the Netherlands
- The farm
- The Dutch landscape
- Nutrition and Health
- Being sick and healing
- Medical ethics
- To sleep
- Jurisdiction
- Damage claims
- Crime journalism
- Psychology & language
- Practice for the State Exam

At the end of the course you will have (receptive) knowledge of +- 8500 words.

Zinsstructuur: zinnen met drie/vier werkwoorden / signaalwoorden / (prepositie)groepen aan het einde van de zin / indirecte rede
Werkwoorden: passief / plusquamperfectum / participium presens 
Morfologie: samengestelde substantieven / prefix en suffix

Finish Line 2 

*This course covers the last five chapters of Code Plus - Part 4.

In this course you will learn to express yourself in a nuanced way about specific, non-personal themes. This way you learn to write detailed texts on a wide range of topics. At the end of the course you can easily participate in an (ongoing) conversation. After successfully completing the course, you can follow a HBO course or academic study.

In practice: 
The following topics will be discussed (among others) in the course:
- Entrepreneurs
- The value of money
- Getting by
- Economy and government
- Scientists
- Space travel
- Theory and practice
- Sinterklaas 
- Seventeenth century painting
- Dutch prose and poetry
- William of Orange
- The Golden age
- Women's voting rights 
- Government and politics
- The monarchy
- Politics and media
- Practice with the State Exam

At the end of the course you will have a (receptive) knowledge of +- 12,000 words

Zinsstructuur: de relatieve bijzin (met wat) / om.. te + infinitief / woordgroepen aan het einde van de zin 
Werkwoorden: het perfectum met dubbel infinitief / participium van het verbum met een prefix / zullen en zouden 
Woordbegrip: prefix of prepositie / er/hier/daar/waar + prepositie / versterkers / soorten ‘er’

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